Saturday, October 30, 2010

Facebook is starting to seem like it might be a red herring

I first joined facebook years ago when I saw a NYT article describing how a Mother of a teen had discovered the website and joined so she could continue to relate to her daughter.  At that time fb was aimed only at students.  (The daughter refused to 'friend' her Mother, but many of the daughter's friends did so)

After experiencing the joy of membership I adopted a blogger screen name as ONE WORLD NOW because I saw (as in visionary)  that as a real possibility through the Internet and especially facebook.

Then Mark Zuckerberg got rich (The Accidental Billionaires).  Facebook became a kind of mercenary monster with a Harvard degree, and membership was opened to all people, every sex, most ages, many sizes, corporate entities, celebrities of every "stripe" and even myself, again - (after having been 'decapitated' - fb calls it 'disabled' three times and finally banned for life - for "violations of our terms of service' - meaning not contributing adequately to and/or endangering their bottom line.

I think I should have chosen the screen name:  ONE WORLD LATER

Friday, October 29, 2010

DON'T BE SELFISH - You couldn't possibly be smart enough to make it work -

History  has pretty much shown us (even before the Internet) that "THe TRuth WIll OUT"
If you live long enough or become enlightened
You also will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Stupid is its own "reward"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

For Me, Quality of Life is in proportion to the quality of my perception and perspective

For me, the infinite venue is perfect
And the finite venue is well, finite . .

I know my perception and/or perspective
Is/are skewed when humility is not my natural
State of mind.  Not out of awe, or fear, or self
Intimidation, but as a almost automatic, natural
Realization of how it is when balance is on center

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Have Been Doing An Unusual Amount of Thinking Lately

Surfing is a hobby
Since I live in Hawaii
Now I find myself on
The Internet more than
On The Pacific Ocean